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Inglés empresarial. Business result - Nivel Medio

Para desarrollar habilidades en temas de comunicación oral y escrita y ser capaz de llevar a cabo actividades propias del mundo de los negocios.

Tipo: C


Desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias en el mundo empresarial y aumentar sus conocimientos sobre el mismo.

¿A quién va dirigido?

A personas iniciadas en el ámbito comercial y de negocios y que posean un nivel medio del idioma.

¿Para qué capacita este título?

Para desarrollar habilidades en temas de comunicación oral y escrita y ser capaz de llevar a cabo actividades propias del mundo de los negocios.

Otros Datos de interés

El curso se compone de 16 unidades donde se elaboran diferentes temas de gran interés para todo aquel que se relacione a nivel internacional.
Presenta textos auténticos con sus correspondientes audiciones, que reflejan las últimas tendencias en el sector, ayudando al interesado a mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación en inglés con una amplia exposición de situaciones.
Aporta un  CD-ROM con sus correspondientes transcripciones de audio para facilitar la tarea al interesado, además de multitud de ejercicios interactivos y un vínculo online donde ofrece un apoyo adicional éste.

Contenido Formativo

Working life
Working with words: describing work rewarding.
Business communication skills: Socializing. Introductions.
Practically speaking: How to express interest.
Language at work: present simple review.
Case study: Speed networking.

Working with words: projects ahead of schedule.
Business communication skills: Meetings. Updating and delegating tasks.
Practically speaking: How to start and end phone calls.
Language at work: present simple and continuous.
Case study: planning a launch party.

Leisure time
Working with words: work-life balance, take time off.
Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Talking about leisure.
Practically speaking: How to end a conversation.
Language at work: past simple and present perfect.
Case study: corridor conversations.

Services and systems
Working with words: service convenient, user-friendly
Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining how something works
Practically speaking: how to introduce information
Language at work: comparative forms
Case study: improving systems

Working with words: customer service. Expectations.
Business communication skills: exchanging information. Getting information.
Practically speaking: starting a conversation on the phone.
Language at work: present simple and continuous for future use.
Case study: managing customer feedback.

Guests and visitors
Working with words: business travel.
Business communication skills: Socializing. Welcoming visitors.
Practically speaking: how to make and respond to offers.
Language at work: obligation, necessity and prohibition.
Case study: solving an intercultural problem.

Working with words: security at work.
Business communication skills: Presenting. Explaining and asking about changes.
Practically speaking: How to introduce and respond to news.
Language at work: present perfect simple and continuous.
Case study: improving data security.

Working together
Working with words: teamwork and partnerships.
Business communication skills: Meetings. Presenting and discussing plans.
Practically speaking: how to encourage people.
Language at work: talking about the future.
Case study: creating a plan for effective teamwork.

Working with words: Logistics and supply chains.
Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Placing and handling orders.
Practically speaking: how to leave a voicemail message.
Language at work: reported speech.
Case study: solving a logistic problem.

Working with words: describing a place of work.
Business communication skills: meetings. Making suggestions and recommendations.
Practically speaking: How to link ideas.
Language at work: nouns and quantifiers.
Case study: organizing a cause marketing event.

Working with words: decision-making put forward an idea.
Business communication skills: meetings. Participating in a discussion.
Practically speaking: how to be persuasive.
Language at work: first and second conditionals.
Case study: the decision game.

Working with words: innovation and new ideas.
Business communication skills: presenting. Giving a formal presentation.
Practically speaking: how to respond to difficult questions.
Language at work: Superlative forms.
Case study: presenting innovative products.

Working with words: breakdowns and faults.
Business communication skills: Exchanging information. Discussing problems.
Practically speaking: How to check someone understands.
Language at work: advice and recommendation.
Case study: managing a breakdown in service.

Working with words: processes, basic procedure.
Business communication skills: socializing. Planning future contact.
Practically speaking: how to get someone’s attention.
Language at work: passive forms.
Case study: introducing new processes.

Working with words: personal qualities.
Business communication skills: meetings. Appraising performance and setting objectives.
Practically speaking: how to give feedback.
Language at work: past continuous and past perfect.
Case study: giving a successful presentation.

Working with words: fact-finding and achievement. 
Business communication skills: meetings. Reporting back.
Practically speaking: how to generalize.
Language at work: contrasting language.
Case study: Acting on research.

Contenido del CD:
1 CD con audiciones del libro y workbook interactivo.

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